The Power of Product Descriptions: Why They're Worth the Investment for Boutique Owners

Oof…Please don’t be offended. Please don’t. We wrote this because we love you. We want to help you. Remember, we were boutique owners. For years. We have been there. If you have thick skin and really want to improve your business, read on. Otherwise…maybe…just don’t. You’ve officially been warned.

We get it. You have a lot on your plate. Between keeping up with the ever changing fashion trends, (Crocs...WTF?) managing inventory, and keeping your customers happy, it can be tough to find the time to write product descriptions. But let's be real, those descriptions aren't just a nice-to-have. They're a need-to-have. But it seems like when people choose not to do something, there is usually a convenient excuse that goes along with it. However, if you know you NEED descriptions, we are going to help you out and tell you some of the excuses we often hear and why they just don't cut it. (Remember, these are other people. You’d never say these things.)

Excuse #1: “Product descriptions aren't important.” - Said the Business Owner that didn’t read our first blog post.

Stop. Just stop right now. If you think that product descriptions aren't important, think again. In fact, our first blog post explained why product descriptions are essential for driving sales and helping customers make informed decisions. The truth is, customers can't touch, see, or try on your products, so the only thing they have to go on is the information you provide. If your product descriptions are lackluster or non-existent, customers are more likely to move on to a competitor who has taken the time to provide the information they need. PLEASE read our first blog post and then come back. It’s important stuff.

Excuse #2: “I'm too busy...” -Said every single business owner ever.

Believe it or not, not having product descriptions could actually be costing you more time in the long run AND you’re losing sales along the way. Without clear descriptions, customers are likely to have more questions about your products, leading to more time spent answering customer service inquiries. (Is this true to size? Does this come in other colors? Will it shrink when I wash it? Etc.) But even after you answer them, if your products don't live up to customer expectations, you'll end up dealing with more returns and exchanges, which is another huge time suck. It may seem like a chore to write product descriptions, but it's a necessary one that can save you time in the long run. If you just don't have time for it but understand how important they are…you could always consider hiring a company to do it for you. (This is called foreshadowing.)

Excuse #3: “I'm not creative enough.” -Again, pretty much everyone eventually says this.

Not everyone is a natural writer, but that's okay. We really do want to help you even if you decide not to hire us yet. That’s why we’ve created tools like our Product Description Templates. Just fill in the blanks with the necessary information, such as the product's features, materials, how to style it, etc. (It’s like a fun little Ad Lib that makes you money.) And if you really don't feel up to the task of writing your own descriptions, we can take care of it for you. At Fashion Narrative, we specialize in writing engaging, informative product descriptions for boutiques that will help your products sell themselves and reduce customer service inquiries. (We foreshadowed this bit. Remember?)

Excuse #4: “I don't have enough money to pay for someone to do it for me.”

Maybe this one is true. How would I know? I don’t get to see your budget. However, hiring a professional copywriter that specializes in a specific niche like us may seem expensive at first, but when you break down the numbers, it's actually one of the best investments you can make for your boutique. (Bold statement disclaimer: Every boutique is different. Set up a call with us and we can find out if this statement doesn’t apply to you.) Well-written product descriptions have the power to drive more sales, reduce customer service inquiries, and cut down on returns and exchanges. It can even help new customers find you in the first place! This translates into more time and money for you in the long run. Plus, with Fashion Narrative, you can be sure that you're getting high-quality, effective product descriptions that will set your boutique apart from the competition.

We know that writing product descriptions may not be your favorite thing to do. However, it’s worth it. Don't let excuses hold you back from providing the information your customers need to make informed buying decisions. Whether you choose to write them yourself or hire someone like us, make sure that your product descriptions are informative, engaging, and effective.

Well, you made it. I hope that you realize that no matter what has been holding you back from prioritizing descriptions, there are even more reasons to lean into them and start making them the thing that you absolutely rock at. If you want us to help, it would be our pleasure. Thanks for hanging with us through all this tough love.


Why Product Descriptions are Critical for E-commerce Boutiques: A Beginner's Guide